Oh yes, along with the change of the seasons comes change here. The first change is the 4 year old starting big school today. I didn't cry, though I did last night just thinking about her in her big school girl uniform and not being here talking constantly and keeping me company. I know she will be loving it.
New Quality Street tin found in Matlock |
The next big change is me - weight gain, not good! I don't know what has happened but I weigh more now than I have ever done, and I am not happy about it. If the weight went on everywhere then it would be okay I think but it goes onto my face - no good, and my stomach - even worse, so something has to be done!
Sweet new plastic pots for storing bits in |
I've started zumba in the weeks which hasn't been too bad considering I haven't been in a gym in 7 years! I used to go three times a week to the gym and to exercise classes, then I got married, got pregnant on my honeymoon and that was the end of that! No more!
New wicker basket |
To go alongside the zumba, this month sees the start of undertaking the 30 day Shred care of Jillian Anderson. Believe me, if you haven't heard of it, give it a google search and see what I'm talking about! £5 for the dvd and I'm on day 3. I've discovered muscles in my legs that I had clearly forgotten that I had! But for 20 minutes a day I'm determined to keep it up.
Along with my littleist going back to school, I've had to rethink my role too, and am considering going back to teaching after a 7 year career break. Before I had the 7 year old, I was Head of History at an 11-16 school. I haven't set foot in a classroom professionally since but am thinking about moving across to the primary sector. I start as a volunteer next week for one day a week at my girlies' school and once I'm up to speed with the primary sector I can start applying for jobs - part-time jobs that is, for I am not returning to the job full-time for I fear that will break me.
So that's September sorted for me, exercising and teaching away, with a little bit of crafting, reading and baking thrown in, plus hopefully a trip oop North to Yarndale at the end of the month.
What will you be up to?!
G x
By the way I know the photos have no relevance to this post whatsoever but they are my recent treasures and I wanted to share them!
Good luck with all the changes you have going on in your life. I work part time (28 hours per week) and actually love it as I feel it makes me enjoy my time as a mummy more.
ReplyDeleteM x
The tin the tin oh thats a lovely one dearest G...I am back at work 2 plays and a big musical this by the end of year...!!!
ReplyDeleted x
Hi There,
ReplyDeleteLike you I was a primary school teacher here in NZ before babies and once my littlest went to school three years ago I started to pick up relief here and there. It is great because you can pick and choose your days, no paper work, no reports, no real responsibility. I love it! However the balance between working and home is a little out of kilter as I seem to be working a whole lot more than I would like. But the bank balance looks good, house not so much!
Give the teaching a go. It is nice to hang out with adults again. I am sure you will have a great time.
All the best,